Update on Khloe

Khloe is doing alright, better during the day worse in the morning and evening. It has been 4 days since her last injection and 3 days till her next. She gets a pain pill every night with dinner. It all seems to be getting better and holding but last night the poor girl came up to the bed and I could tell she wanted up but was unwilling to stand against the bed for me to help her like she always does. This made me realize just how much she was really hurting and I feel aweful. I got out of bed and called her from under the bed. I picked her up, put her in the bed, she settled in and barely moved all night. 🙁


Once up and moving she did okay this morning but she has been laying around all afternoon and doesn’t get up much or for long. Praying more injections and time will help her get better.

We always have known we need to keep her lean to make things easier for her, but now there is no room for excess. I am worried but we have a plan for now and options for the future. For now we will be lifting her up and down for the bed, couch, car, and any where else nessisary, until we can get a ramp or steps. She has pain management and a good vet. I am optimistic but hoping to se more improvement than I have seen so far.



Thank you all for your concern, support, and advice as we try to make khloe more comfortable and happy once again.


So I broke down and took Khloe to the vet. After an X-ray a few not so great things where concluded.

1. The lump on Khloe’s nub is fiberous! It looks like a bouncy ball full of fireworks on X-ray. (I wish I would have taken a picture. Maybe when we go back next week) we where already planning to have the lump removed and sent in but now that we know how odd it looks on X-ray we are even more determined to have it removed and sent to the lab.

2. Khloe has what appears to be bits of bone along the pelvic line but closer to the skin than the pelvis, the only conclusion we could come to was that they where bits that broke off when she was hit by the car when she was little and have moved away from the pelvis as she has grown over the last year.

3. And lastly Khloe has hip dysplasia in her one back leg. The ball just doesn’t sit in the socket enough and while we could do an FHO it will be hard for me to sling her around for 8 weeks in my current state, so for now we are doing adequan injections once a week for 4 weeks then once monthly and vetprofen. If that doesn’t help then we will discuss the FHO a little further.

So all In all it looks like Khloe has a rough road ahead. It was also sad to see on X-ray that her amputated limb had better femoral head coverage than the one she was left with. As a Vet Tech I know it is often the techs and vets that end up with animals who need extra love and medical attention. I thought I lucked out on little Khloe but it seems I am just another statistical number haha. We love her and will do all we can for her, but being that she is only 1 and is now a tripod with hip dysplasia in her remaining hind limb the outlook while manageable will be rough for her. I have a feeling that when it comes her time (hopefully many years down the road) it will come down to how much non manageable pain she is in. Which is never an easy place for an owner to be.

1Year and Having Trouble




I know it has been a while since I posted but life has been busy. We found out we are expecting our 2nd little one who is due in September. We also lost my husbands grandmother, I have been working like crazy and my husband is now working with the military full time. Crazy is our life but our little Khloe has grown and we love her more than ever. She still loves her kennel and often sleeps in it just because it’s comfy. She still loves to run through the water and play with our older dog.


Now Khloe has always had a knot on her nub that I just figured was scare tissue but it had never bothered her. About 1 month ago she started to bother it. It never grew but it started to get red and inflamed, and got a sore in the middle. I took her in and they did a FNA to make sure it was not cancerous, and while what came out of the area was not what was expected we are fairly certain it is not cancerous. So I left with the intention of keeping her from licking the area until we could afford to have the lump removed. My speculation now is that nerves have started to reawaken a year after surgery and are now driving her crazy and causing her pain.


Not only has this been causing her more and more pain but over the last week she is having trouble standing up on her back limb after laying down and she is playing less and less. I am really getting worried and will be taking her in today to get her hip and knee looked at and possibly X-rays I am praying she didn’t tear something. It will be so much harder on her if she has to have the nub and her good back leg operated on at the same time, and it will make the surgery more expensive which may mean I have to put it off longer to save up the money…. I feel like an aweful fur mommy but I can only do so much. Please send prayers and good vibes that she will be okay and that we will be able to get her the care she needs soon.